Hong Kong is a vibrant city of skyscrapers with beautiful views, a major gateway to China. This film I shot in September 2015. Many thanks to my friends from Hong Kong – Arnold Kwok and Francis So Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: nk87@mail.ru vk.com/nk_design facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov instagram.com/neiezhmakov/ music: Aero Chord–Warrior of the Night Vimeo: […]
This is my first video 100% timelapse and hyperlapse. I spend only 4 days taking 9000 pictures of the city of Vienna. It was very intense ! Camera used : Nikon D5300 Lens used : Tamron AF 18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Song : K-391 – Summertime Check out his work there : http://www.youtube.com/user/TheK391 https://www.facebook.com/TheK391 https://soundcloud.com/k-391 source
Полная версия в разрешении 5K: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/d6a14ae67af3/Hyperlapse_Vladimir_5K.mov На съемку этого ролика потребовалось 3 месяца работы, 25 часов съёмок и 8000 фотографий. Еще 2 недели на детальную обработку и стабилизацию материала, выравнивание цвета, конечную склейку кадров. Музыка в ролике: Camo & Krooked – Helios Съемка и монтаж ролика: проект Лестница Аэросъёмка во Владимире с высоты птичьего полёта […]
“One Night in Salzburg” is my second “Hyperlapse”-Movie and tribute to my hometown Salzburg, located in the heart of Austria / Europe. 有一天晚上在薩爾茨堡”是我的第二個“Hyperlapse” – 電影和讚揚我的故鄉薩爾茨堡,位於奧地利/歐洲的心臟 Find my first “Hyperlapse”-Movie “Salzburg City by Night” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_44g… Shot and edited by: Michael Leitner (https://www.facebook.com/people/Micha…) Contact: Hyperlapseguy@hotmail.com Music by Dexter Britain – Waking up (Instrumental) Location / Date: […]
Home The video footages are available for Licensing on my website 2 years, 32 locations, 5250 pictures captured I left my established life in Paris over two years ago and set out to garner international work experience. It was my aim to conjure a new and lasting cognizance that would stay with me upon my […]
Progetto timelapse realizzato in 8mesi composto da 16.113 immagini per un peso totale di 248GB Questo é INTO THE NIGHT un video che vi porterá a vedere e conoscere la splendida cittá di palermo attraverso i miei occhi nella quale potrete ammirare tanti tramonti colorati con panorami mazzafiato e tanti altri bei posti che la […]
Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: nk87@mail.ru http://vk.com/nk_design https://www.facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov http://instagram.com/neiezhmakov/ music: The Glitch Mob – Starve The Ego Feed The Soul (Sub Swara Remix) This timelapse was shot in September 2014 when I came to UAE. And this is first part of my timelapse about UAE (second is about Dubai is here http://youtu.be/TDM18lJ18VA). Ajman […]